Thursday, June 5, 2014

Chicago Republicans yes, Cook County Republicans not so much

Cook County Republicans have fielded no candidates for the November election, but
. . . a city Republican organization, Chicago GOP, trumpeted the fact that they slated five candidates for U.S. Congress, state senator and state representative, according to a release from the group.
Signature requirements are different for each office and district. But those candidates — who are all running in districts that lay largely inside Chicago’s boundaries  — each managed to clear their signature requirements by significant margins, the release said.
The group is led by Chris Cleveland, who challenged Del Mar’s party chairmanship and lost in March.
Candidates wanting to run as an independents have still have until June 23 to file their nominating petitions . . . the clerk’s office said.
CHICAGO -- The Chicago Republican Party has wrapped up its recruiting season, filing five more candidates for seats in the City of Chicago. This group is in addition to the eight candidates the Chicago GOP recruited last year.
IL House Speaker Mike Madigan's organization challenged the petitions of the Chicago GOP candidates last year and is expected to do so again. "Our petitions are strong," said Chris Cleveland, Chicago GOP spokesman. "We don't expect his challenges will succeed."
"The voters will have a choice this year, whether Mike Madigan likes it or not," said Cleveland.
Meanwhile, Oak Park GOP took its place among 50 townships in suffering disappointment when the county's candidate for 39th  senatorial district, Oak Park's Don Harmon's district, pulled out for “personal reasons,” as informed by county chairman Aaron Del Mar on June 1, the day before filing deadline.

OP GOP was still gathering signatures at the village's Day in Our Village when it heard from the party's attorney that the candidate, Louis Fatta, recently retired deputy chief of the Stone Park Police Dept., had withdrawn his candidacy.

The attorney was responding to an email from this writer asking about a meeting with her to deliver signatures for filing the next day. She had been told by Fatta four days earlier of his withdrawal and had presumed the Oak Parkers would be informed.

The county GOP had slated Fatta in a Melrose Park meeting two weeks earlier, on May 17.